Visualize your budget

Budgeting made easy

Getting an overview over your finances shouldn't be difficult. We have made it as easy and visual as possible.

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Annual Budget Plan




View your monthly expenses across different accounts.

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Annual overview

Annual overview

Complete overview of your income and expenses throughout the year.

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About Annual Budget Plan

Hi! My name is Philip Sørensen, and I'm the creator of Annual Budget Plan.

When moving in with my girlfriend we needed to create a shared budget. A boring spreadsheet quickly became tedious and it didn't provide the visual overview that we wanted. Therefore I created Annual Budget Plan to get a better understanding of our finances.

Visualizing our budget has been crucial in helping us understand our financial situation and make informed decisions. We can easily see where we need to cut back or where we can save money, and that has been instrumental in helping us reach our financial goals.
Reach your financial goals