Get an overview of your accounts

Create your bank accounts and link each of your income and expenses to an account. This gives you the complete overview of how money goes in and out of your account each month.

Example car account

Here's an example car account, where 4,750 is transfered into the account each month. 3,200 is used on gasoline, 636 for insurance, and 112 for tax. This leaves a monthly disposable of 802 each month. Money that can be used for e.g. repairs.
Transfer Car account 4,750.00
Transfer Gasoline 3,200.00
Transfer Insurance 636.00
Transfer Motor Vehicle Tax 112.00

How much money do I need on my budget account?

Ever wondered how much money you need on your budget account each month? We've calculated it for you.

Below we have an example, where a budget account has an average 24,375 in expenses each month. The bars depicts the expenses and the line depicts how much cash the account needs to have in the beginning of each month. If the account holds more cash than the line depicts in the beginning of each month, you can withdraw the difference.